Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weekly Soccer Reveiws.

This blog will contain weekly reviews on different major soccer leagues matchs in Europe. I'll basically focus on the spanish league since I, myself, a big fan of Real Madrid spanish Club and I'll befollowing there weekly games, so I will be able to give more specific personal opinions on there games. However, I'll also try to cover the results of other league like the premiere league(England), and the italian league. Other stuffs I will try to post will be different soccer news like trasferring players, and players injuries. I might sometime will give short reviews on some of the most anticipating mathes, such us how the squad will be and my own prediction of the winning team. In addition, I will try to give links to the highlightes of the mathces using Youtube, or other vedio streaming websties. Hopefully, this blog will be a place for every soccer fan to read about there favorites teams and keep themselves updated without the need of searching about the teams one by one.

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